
Vocabulary Buddhist
An unbroken stream of spiritual masters through which the sacred teachings of the dharma flow, allow our present-day teachings to be traced back to their original source.
The significance of lineage is that it allows the teachings to pass along in time in a way that is pure, untainted, and ensures the integrity of the transmission.
Compassion is one of the four brahma viharas (sublime abodes).
When the wish for all beings to be free of suffering expands into to the wish to attain awakening so that one may liberate being from the suffering of samsara, it is called great compassion, nyingje chenpo or mahākarunā.
Mahamudra is a practice of relaxing directly into our present experience and recognizing its true nature. The essential nature of mahamudra is like all-encompassing space. Everything in our human experience is an expression of the emptiness of the vast, open nature of mind. Because all experience is coemergent appearance and emptiness, it has the potential to be a gateway to recognizing the nature of mind. The totality of our experience is the Great Symbol for the nature of reality.
Sangha literally means that which is struck together well. In common usage, it generally refers to a community. It has been adopted by multiple religions. In Buddhism, it is generally used to indicate a group of Buddhist practitioners. Sangha is also used to refer to specific categories of Buddhist practitioners: Enlightened beings, ordained practitioners, lay practitioners, or a combination of ordained and lay practitioners.